Omer Day 8 - Chesed Sh’b Gevurah: Love within Strength

Today is the eighth day of the Omer.

What is it to be a human being — so vulnerable, so fragile, and at the same time only slightly less than gods, strong and powerful, crowned with splendor? (Psalm 8:5-6)

Feeling our power and strength and making the decision to infuse our actions with kindness and generosity

We ask ourselves in each encounter: What is the wise and compassionate choice?

Practice for today:

Judge everyone on the side of merit. (Pirke Avot 1:6 — 22)

 —Rabbi Yael Levy

The Omer teachings you see here and can receive as nightly email reminders by signing up for our mailing list, are taken from Rabbi Yael Levy's Omer guide, Journey through the Wilderness.

Blessings for counting the Omer

Daily Omer teachings are posted on the A Way In website, Facebook and Instagram, and emailed at 7PM EST. Weekly teachings are posted and emailed on Thursdays.

The practice as well as Rabbi Yael were featured in a 2015 New York Times article.

Read more articles about How to Count the Omer.

Away InGevurah