Words Upon Our Hearts

A prayer as we enter the new month of Shevat today

Help us please, be rooted and strong,
Guide us in loving devotion,
Grant us a wide perspective
And help us stay steady amid raging storms.
Let us trust in the power of a seed
That opens in darkness
And breaks through hard, solid ground.
Let us be called forth by the mystery intent on life


In this week’s Torah portion we witness our ancestors departure from mitzrayim. They had been enslaved for hundreds of years and are beginning a path toward freedom.
This freedom came at great cost—at a great cost to them and at great cost to the land, animals and people of Egypt.

I pray that as human beings we can learn how to transform and change,
Liberate and become
Without causing destruction, hardship and pain.

May our paths toward freedom and liberation be guided
Not by blood on our doorposts,
But by these words we place there to direct and protect us:

In the mezuzah it says:

Shema Ve’ahavta-- Listen and Love
Listen as you wrestle with life.
         Listen as you feel into your relationship with all being.
         Listen into the oneness of all.

And love.
Love with all you heart, all your soul and all your strength.
Place love upon your heart.
Teach love to your children.
Speak from love in your home and as you walk on your way.
Take love with you as you lie down and as you rise up.
Carry love in your hand,
Place love before your eyes,
Inscribe love upon your gates.

Listen deeply into the calls for connection.
Love and serve the Unfolding of All Life with all your heart and soul.
Be aware of your relationship with earth and all beings.

Serve what is true.

Place words upon your heart,
Upon your soul, in your hands and before your eyes
That will help you remember
You are here in relationship with all life
And what you do affects the world for generations to come.
Act for the well-being of earth,
Act for the benefit of all life,
Act so as to leave a bountiful and gracious land
For those who will call you ancestor.
(Deut 6:4-9, 11:13-21)

With much love,
Rabbi Yael

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