In our book we close the chapter on the beginnings of creation
And turn to the exodus, to the leaving,
And our new becoming.
Act for the benefit of all beings.
Let us be souls who, with grace and mercy,
Act for the benefit of all beings.
As we continue to face uncertainty, horror and pain,
May we have the courage to approach
And bow to all we do not know.
In celebration of the 8 days of Chanukah, here are 8 verses, 8 calls and prayers. I hope one of them touches your heart and offers nourishment to your soul. May we continue to share our heartbreak and joys, strengthening and inspiring each other with love.
Read MoreAs we enter the Festival of Chanukah, which begins tonight, let’s open to the resilience, hope and possibility that shines through the Chanukah lights.
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Let us pause as we enter this Thanksgiving day
And breathe together with all life.
Don’t hide when you are
Struggling and in pain,
Reach toward each other.
The door is open.
Let us bow and enter.
May we find moments of love and connection that help us bear our sorrows.
Read MoreHere is an offering created with verses from various psalms. In Hebrew, the first letters of each of these verses spells: sim shalom aleynu, Place shalom upon us all.
Read MoreMay we be beings who acknowledge the presence of the raging storms
And find the willingness and strength
To be loving, kind and generous with each other.
Our tradition reminds us to gather, to help each other, to offer comfort and care, to listen as best as we can and be patient and kind with ourselves and each other.
Read MoreBlessings to all as we make our way into 5784. Together, may we be part of the transformation that brings abundant healing, true justice and abiding peace.
Read MoreFrom the yamim noraim, the days of awe, we land in Sukkot’s call to celebrate, to embrace delights, to experience and create beauty.
Read More Love the Unfolding of Life with all your heart and soul, the Mystery calls. And walk in the ways of love.
(Deut 30:16)
See the good and come into the New Year
With the determination and patience
To act with courageous love for the sake of all life
Choose to love.
Love those you love with all your heart, soul and strength.
Love the trees, sky, rivers and rocks.
Let this loving make you strong.
In this week’s Torah portion, Ki Tavo,
The Mystery calls:
As you enter the new land,
As you enter the New Year,
Bring the fruits of your efforts, your devotion, your practice.
As you go out into this season
Notice the challenges of being human
The tradition teaches that as Elul begins,
Hamelech b’sadei, the King is in the field,
The Divine Presence comes out of hiding,
And reaching toward us with love,
Calls: Return.