The ancestors are rooting for us,
The generations to come are holding us in their prayers.
The ancestors are rooting for us,
The generations to come are holding us in their prayers.
During Tiferet
The month of Iyar arrives offering healing
And the great gift of second chances.
From the expanse of Chesed
We step into the week of Gevurah
Which brings
Restraint, Judgment, Discernment, Strength.
May the steadfast love of Chesed fill us all,
May it inspire our vision and devotion,
And may the exquisite generosity of earth remind us
That loving transformation is possible.
May the rituals, traditions, and holy calls of Pesach
Help us be present with love and courage.
Read MoreAs we begin the month of Nisan and lift our eyes toward pesach let us contemplate these four questions with gentleness and care:
Read More What might be discovered,
What might grow and become,
When mystery, uncertainty,
Not knowing is given room to speak?
May we hold the grief we feel with reverence and care and may this help our tender hearts remain open to sadness and joys.
Read MoreWho knows?
Perhaps it is for this very moment that you became Queen. (Esther 4:14)
The holy work is complete
And of course, the holy work continues.
Stop, pause, rest,
Rejuvenate, replenish,
Because you are needed
The Mystery called:
Hinei makom iti—There is a place for you with me.
Exodus 33:21
I place upon my heart
The intention to be present,
Even in the face of loss and grief.
You are needed
You are necessary.
Your gifts are essential.
Recognize me in generosity and forgiveness
See me in yourselves, in each other and in all life
In the silence,
All creation disappears,
And there is only One,
No distinction, no other,
Only One.
I reach for a tree
And breathe its presence and trust.
I lean my body against its trunk and close my eyes.
Love with all you heart, all your soul and all your strength.
Place love upon your heart.
Teach love to your children.
May we be patient
With each other and ourselves.