The Mystery of life flows through all. The trees, mountains and rivers sing with life.
Read MoreTradition teaches that it is helpful to begin each day with the prayer:
Modah ani lefanecha — I am grateful, present and in relationship with You, the Source of All Life. You have renewed my soul. Great is Your faith in me.
Taking our seats, we set an intention to sit held by chesed, abundant love, generosity and kindness. Letting the attention rest on the breath, we open to the flow of chesed.
Read MoreThe world is broken and blessings abound. Life is filled with treasures.
Read MoreLet us remember that our Chanukah story declares, that amid the rubble of the desecrated Temple, a tiny drop of oil was found. The drop of oil was lit not knowing what would be -- and it burned brighter and longer than anyone thought possible.
Read MoreBreak through your accustomed ways of seeing and being.
Dare to dream.
Be courageous in your imagining.
This is the gateway.
This is the path.
Let us go down to the well again and again, and let us rise up with loving kindness and generosity that is steadfast and true.
Read MoreMay our hearts be strong and filled with courage, May the Infinite come through our words and actions.
-- Psalm 31:25
There is no stopping the flow of time
And no way to avoid challenges, difficulty and pain.
"I choose a path of faith, and I place practices before me to guide my way." --Psalm 119:30
Read MoreIt would be easy to stay knocked down by despair, but we need each other to keep rising.
Read MoreAs we continue to step toward new beginnings
May we walk with care and devotion.
From the heights of Yom Kippur we land in Sukkot, the festival of the Earth’s bounty. Sukkot calls us to take all we gathered from our journeys through Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and plant it in the ground. During sukkot we allow the wisdom our souls have received to guide us in setting intentions.
Read MoreBlessed is the Mystery that calls us to bring healing and create peace.
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May we see the goodness in ourselves, in each other and in the natural world, and may this goodness inspire our love and direct our actions toward healing and peace.
As we stand on the threshold of the New Year,
May the skies encourage a vast perspective that opens us to new possibilities.
May the fires of devotion give rise to loving, compassionate and determined actions.
As we go into 5779, we ask ourselves: What qualities and what intentions do we want to place before our eyes that will help direct our attention and actions, and guide us into the fullness of life?
Read MoreAs the moon of Elul grows full, it lights the path into the New Year and calls forth practices to help guide the way.